Home > Anxiety Book List

Anxiety Book List

  • Anxiety
  • Parent/Carer
Here are some of our recommendations of useful books about Anxiety:


1) The Anxiety Cure for Kids by Elizabeth DuPont Spencer, Robert DuPont and Caroline DuPont

[Book cover of 'The Anxiety Cure for Kids: A Guide for Parents' by Elizabeth DuPont Spencer, Robert L. DuPont, and Caroline M. DuPont. The cover features a white, green, and yellow design.]

A comforting, practical guide to helping your child deal with anxiety. Fear, worry, stomach pains, self–doubt–– these are all classic symptoms of anxiety in children and teenagers. Anxiety affects both boys and girls, regardless of age, size, intelligence, or family specifics. And the only way your family can be free of anxiety is to confront it every time it appears. This book will show you how.






2) Starving the Anxiety Gremlin by Kate Collins-Donelly

[The cover of 'Starving the Anxiety Gremlin' by Kate Collins-Donnelly shows a distressed green gremlin biting its nails against a blue swirling pattern background. The title appears in bold white letters with a badge indicating it is an award-winning book in the top left corner.]Help children to understand and manage their anxiety with this engaging and imaginative workbook. The Anxiety Gremlin is a mischievous creature who loves to gobble up your anxious feelings! The more anxiety you feed him, the bigger and bigger he gets and the more and more anxious you feel! How can you stop this? Starve your Anxiety Gremlin of anxious thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and watch him shrink! Based on cognitive behavioural principles, this workbook uses fun and imaginative activities to teach children how to manage their anxiety by changing how they think and act getting rid of their Anxiety Gremlins for good! Bursting with stories, puzzles, quizzes, and colouring, drawing and writing games, this is a unique tool for parents or practitioners to use with children aged 5 to 9 years.



3) The Anxiety Survival Guide for teens by Jennifer Shannon

The cover of 'The Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens' by Jennifer Shannon features a young woman with long, brown hair wearing a white t-shirt, covering her mouth with both hands in a gesture of concern. The title appears in bold red letters across the lower half, emphasizing 'anxiety survival guide.' Above, in blue text, the subtitle 'CBT skills to overcome fear, worry & panic' is noted, and the cover also mentions illustrations by Doug Shannon.

[“Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens” is a practical self-help book designed specifically for teenagers struggling with anxiety. Authored by Jennifer Shannon, a licensed psychotherapist, the book offers a range of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques aimed at helping teens manage and reduce feelings of fear, worry, and panic. The guide is structured to be engaging and accessible, using relatable language and real-life scenarios that resonate with a teenage audience. It covers a variety of topics, such as understanding the nature of anxiety, recognizing triggers, and developing effective coping strategies. Each chapter includes exercises and worksheets that encourage teens to apply the skills learned and track their progress. The book also emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and resilience, teaching teens how to challenge negative thought patterns and replace them with more balanced perspectives. By providing actionable solutions, “Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens” empowers young readers to take control of their mental health and build confidence in facing life’s challenges.]




4) Help! I’ve got an alarm bell going off in my head by K. L. Aspden

[The cover of the book "Help! I've Got an Alarm Bell Going Off in My Head" by K. L. Aspden features a bright yellow and turquoise background. It depicts a cartoon of a boy running in a panicked state, with his hair standing on end and a large alarm bell above his head. The subtitle "How Panic, Anxiety, and Stress Affect Your Body" is clearly visible below the main title. The book also notes a foreword by Babette Rothschild and illustrations by Zita Rái.]

[“Help! My Alarm Bell’s Going Off” by K.L. Harris is a self-help book that provides practical tools to manage anxiety. It explains how the brain’s natural fight, flight, and freeze responses can be triggered unnecessarily and offers techniques from Mindfulness, CBT, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to address these issues. The book teaches readers to understand their anxiety patterns and provides strategies to rewire these responses. This guide empowers readers to take control of their anxiety, offering a blend of theory and exercises to enhance mental well-being and resilience.]





5) A Still Quiet Place for teens by Amy Saltzman MD

[The cover of "A Still Quiet Place for Teens" by Amy Saltzman, MD, displays a casual scene with a close-up of a teen's lower body lying on grass. The teen wears blue jeans and classic black and white Converse sneakers. The background is a lush green lawn. The text is colored in various shades of green and mentions the book as a mindfulness workbook designed to help teens ease stress and manage difficult emotions. It highlights benefits such as finding focus, facing challenges, improving relationships, and leading a happier life.]

[“A Still Quiet Place for Teens” by Amy Saltzman is a mindfulness workbook designed to help teenagers manage stress and difficult emotions. The book provides a practical introduction to mindfulness techniques that encourage self-awareness, emotional regulation, and resilience. Saltzman guides teens through exercises and meditations aimed at developing a “still quiet place” within themselves, a mental space where they can pause and reflect amidst the challenges of daily life. The workbook covers topics such as handling stress, coping with strong emotions, and improving focus and self-esteem. By engaging with the exercises, teens can learn to respond to their thoughts and feelings with compassion and calm, leading to improved mental well-being. This book serves as a valuable resource for teens seeking to cultivate mindfulness skills and enhance their emotional health.]



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