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Parenting Special Children over the years

The story of Parenting Special Children from 2006 to now

Parenting Special Children over the years
  • About PSC

Read about how we developed as a charity, from its formation in 2006, to where we are now in 2024


Ruth’s Story

I am a parent of 3 young adults, two of whom are neurodivergent.  My main inspiration and why I started Parenting Special Children was my daughter who is autistic, ADHD and was diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay at the age of 2.

At the point of diagnosis over 20 years ago there was very little support available and certainly no information to guide me to organisations who would be able to offer support.  This meant that I felt very isolated and really didn’t know who to turn to, it was a whole new world to navigate without any support.

In 2006 I trained to be a practitioner to deliver specialist parenting courses so that I could help other parents and carers navigate the world of special educational needs and all that encompassed and Parenting Special Children started.

PSC started with specialist parenting courses and we developed our services according to the needs of families and the PSC practitioners who were all parent/carers of children with special educational needs.

Our next steps were the diagnosis support service now the Helpline, a sleep service with NHS trained practitioners, workshops on Autism and ADHD and as you explore the website you will see how many services we have developed over the years.

Peer support, lived experience has been at the heart of what we offer and we very much hope that as you navigate life with your child or young person that you find the support that you need through the charity.

A timeline infographic titled ‘Parenting Special Children’ with a vertical line down the center representing years from 2006 to 2024. Each year marked by a coloured dot has an associated event or service initiated by the organization. The timeline includes the following milestones: 2006: specialist parenting courses and workshops started 2011: Diagnosis Support Service & Helpline launched 2014: Sleep service launched, 1st parent/carer support group started 2015: Trauma & Attachment service launched 2016: Started working in partnership with NHS & local charities - 1st PSC Conference 2018: Auticulate joined PSC 2019: -Community Support Groups started -The A Team started -Let’s Get Creative started 2020: -COVID support -Social Confidence Course started -Specialist Parenting Service launched 2024: Transition to Adulthood group started The background is white with the organization’s old logo on the left, and the new logo on the right
PSC timeline


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