Home > Upcoming Events, Workshops, Courses & Support Groups > Visit to Wild City Collective for Adopted Children (Primary School Age)

Visit to Wild City Collective for Adopted Children (Primary School Age)


A visit to the Wild City Collective for adopted children (primary school age) who live in Berkshire.

The team at the Collective will be running the session. Here is a story they have put together to explain what they do: I’m Going to the Wild Woods

Please note the toilet is a camper toilet in a wooden structure. Parents/Carers need to stay onsite.

Event outline

Come along and:

  • Craft and Play
  • Connect with Nature
  • Have fun!


Zobia Kalim

Specialist Parenting Practitioner

Zobia is a Specialist Parenting Practitioner with extensive experience and training in developing and delivering programs for families of children with special needs, including those who have experienced early life trauma. Since 2003, she has worked across the UK to provide valuable support and guidance to these families. Zobia’s personal experience as a mother of two special needs children, including an adopted child, gives her a deep, empathetic understanding of the challenges faced by families. Her blend of professional expertise and personal insight makes her a highly effective and compassionate resource in her field.

Headshot photograph of Parenting Special Children Neurodivergent CYP Support Practitioner and Hr & Data administrator, Anna Cook

Anna Cook

Neurodivergent CYP Support Practitioner

Anna began working with CYP services at Parenting Special Children during her placement for her BSc in Psychology at the University of Reading, where she later completed her Master's. Her role has since expanded to include leading groups within CYP services. Her diverse professional background has provided her with experience in mentoring, research, and evidence-based practice in clinical and educational settings. Her experiences of mental health, neurodivergence and additional needs in her professional, personal, and family life underscore her dedication to supporting those with additional needs and making a positive impact in psychology, education, and social care.

Attending details

Please make a booking for each child attending.

Parents/carers need to stay onsite. There is a space on the booking form for parents/carers to add their details.

Please note the toilet is a camper toilet in a wooden structure.

Please let us know if you book places and then cannot attend so we can allocate your places to waiting families.

Create a PSC account and complete our registration form (you only need to do this once)
Book onto the event
Attend the event

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