
Autism Course: Berkshire East


Three linked sessions delivered online via Zoom by specialist parenting practitioners.

The sessions are funded by NHS East Berkshire and commissioned by GEMS. Your booking information will be shared with GEMS for reporting purposes. The workshops will be lead by PSC specialist parenting practitioners Mary van der Merwe and Helen Cattermole.

The logo for GEMS, the Berkshire East Autism and ADHD Support Service.

GEMS provide a range of workshops and support for families. For further details please check their website here: GEMS

Event outline

Topics covered:

  • What is autism?
  • Sensory differences, anxiety and behaviour
  • Strategies and supporting the child
  • Assessment overview
  • Signposting and support available

Autism related resources can be found on our website here: Autism Resources.


Headshot photograph of Parenting Special Children Parenting Practitioner, Mary van der Merwe

Mary van der Merwe

Parenting, Sleep & Neurodivergent CYP Practitioner

Mary van der Merwe is a dedicated neurodiversity advocate with experience in supporting and training individuals and professionals on Autism and trauma. Within PSC, she leads the A-Team, a group for autistic and ADHD primary and secondary aged girls, providing a space where they can meet other neurodivergent girls and be their authentic selves. As well as this, Mary delivers specialized training programs that emphasize the neurodiversity paradigm, and co-ordinates and delivers specialist 1:1 support. Mary is also a trainer on the National Autism Trainer Programme training CAMHS and the NHS to help improve outcomes for Autistic individuals. Coming from a neurodivergent family herself, Mary’s personal insights and professional expertise drive her commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all.

Headshot photograph of Parenting Special Children Sleep Practitioner, Helen Cattermole

Helen Cattermole

Parenting & Sleep Practitioner

Helen is a registered nurse in learning disabilities (RNLD) and worked as a challenging behaviour specialist nurse within the Berkshire Foundation Healthcare Trust, supporting adults with learning disabilities, as well as their families and carers. Now, Helen works for Parenting Special Children, where she delivers training on various topics, including sleep management, the "Who's In Charge?" program, Autism, "Time Out for Special Needs," and provides one-on-one clinics.

Attending details

Please book a ticket for each person attending.

On booking you will receive an ‘Order’ email, followed by a ‘Ticket Details’ email which contains the Zoom attendance information.

You need a Zoom account to access this event. You can sign up for free here:

The Zoom link, meeting ID and passcode will be in your ‘Ticket Details’ email. Please check your junk folder, add the event to your calendar, and keep the email safe for use on the day of the sessions.

Zoom will ask you to sign in, and to register for the event, so please allow time for this before the event starts. You can register at any point before the event and we would encourage you to do this asap so we can help if you have any difficulties. You use the same Zoom information for all of the sessions.

We will use the Chat function to allow you to ask questions during the sessions. The events are best viewed on a PC or laptop. Please have the latest version of Zoom installed. You can download the software here:

Please note that you may not record the workshops or take screenshots. This is to maintain confidentiality and privacy for attendees.

Many of our events have waiting lists. If you are no longer able to attend please let us know so we can offer your place to someone else.

Create a PSC account and complete our registration form (you only need to do this once)
Login to your PSC account and book onto the event
Attend the event

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