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PSC has made a big difference and is the major source of support for our family

PSC has made a big difference and is the major source of support for our family
  • Category: CYP Groups

We came to Parenting Special Children initially for support with issues around sleep, and seeking more understanding of attachment issues. My first impressions of the PSC services was that they seemed very comprehensive. In the early days we didn’t realise that we’d also need to access support/training around ASD and ADHD.

PSC has made a big difference and is the major source of support for our family, especially in the light of the lack of provision in most areas at the moment! We have attended multiple courses around sleep, attachment, ASD and ADHD (some of which were jointly with Autism Berkshire). We all attend the monthly Get Creative Group, and my daughter and I attend the monthly A Team girls’ group. The groups mean that our children get the chance to make friends with other children who have similar experiences and challenges to them, and as parents we get the chance to connect with other parents – sharing highs and lows and also supporting each other. My husband also attends the Dads’ carers group which he finds really helpful.

"PSC has made a big difference and is the major source of support for our family " Amy Adoptive mother, supported by PSC

We would have had less understanding and probably therefore less strategies at our finger tips to help us had we not had PSC training and support. The children (and us) would have not had the friends and relationships they now benefit from, and we could have all felt more isolated. We look forward to our monthly support groups and it gives structure to our weekend. We often share ideas as well which can help add to the strategies we currently use. Having organised activities for the children so that the parents can have their own group at the same time is incredibly helpful (and rare to find elsewhere!). It means the parents can share freely as the children aren’t present. PSC staff and volunteers have provided emotional support to us by being a sympathetic ear and validating what we are going through. Because they often have similar lived in experiences themselves it really helps.

Some parents we knew before getting involved with PSC, but we’d lost our regular monthly meeting place when another group closed during Covid and then didn’t re-start. We’ve also met other new parents at Get Creative. We have a WhatsApp group so can support each other outside of the monthly meet up as well. It is really helpful to have that support and also to be able to pick each other’s brains if we face a situation that we need help with. Through the A Team my daughter has made friends with at least 2 other girls – one of whom then started to coming to her gymnastics club so they now also see each other every Wednesday evening. It is lovely to see this friendship develop. In the past we’ve been to PSC events at Camp Mohawk and also climbing one Christmas. They were great experiences – well organised and hosted and the children had a lot of fun!

"Knowing we are not alone and being around other families really helps us all as we can support each other. " Amy Adoptive mother, supported by PSC

An example of a tool we have gained through PSC is sticking to a good sleep routine. Through advice given we were able to obtain melatonin for both children which we use regularly and has given us our evenings back. Both children manage day to day life much better when they have good sleep, and we have the time to re-group and have down time which we didn’t have before. All the other training we have received has given us tools for our tool box which we often use without realising we’re using it!

We are sure our children are benefiting from using social skills and creativity to make new friends. It is also good for their self esteem to know that they are not alone in the challenges they face – they are not the only ones. We hope that our children would grow in confidence and their self esteem increase – we feel being around similar children and families can only help.

"I found it hard going into the groups but now I feel more confident. The staff try and help if I’m finding hard, like when one of them comes to talk to me. " Mabel Amy's daughter
Photograph of PSC's Neurodivergent CYP Support Practitioner Anna talking to a young person
"It helped me when a staff member spent extra time with me when I was finding things hard. She is fun and kind. I feel safe talking to her. " Mabel Amy's daughter

To anyone considering reaching out to PSC, I would say Do it! In fact we are always recommending their services to others. It is so hard to get support and understanding – there is a huge gap in this vital area which Parenting Special Children are plugging!

*Names changed to protect anonymity
All wording is the parent and daughter’s own


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